Second intermediate amplifier
Second IF
Description: The second intermediate amplifier blocks out all frequencies except 10.7 Mhz

1.  Build the circuit shown on the right side with the 42IF129 transformer.

2.  Attach a oscilloscope probe to the out side and ground it to negative close to where you built the circuit, set the scope to 0.01 Volts at a frequency of 0.1 uS per devision.

3.  Put a signal generator on the “INPUT” side and ground it to negative

3rd and 2nd IF4.  Sweep across and there should be a peek around 10.7 MHz, if there is no peak there is something wrong with your circuit.

5.  Set the generator to 10.7 MHz and tune the core of the transformer maximizing the waveform while turning down the output of the signal generator so the amp does not overload.

6.  Bind the third and second IFs together as shown on the left, and realign.

Note: there is one capacitor in the middle; Do not mix up polarities! They should be reversed.

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